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Monday, January 5, 2015

Design Console Change password Screen

Issue - When we tired to login in design console we get the change password popup screen.

Solution -

* Run the blow query and check the expiry date

select usr_pwd_must_change, USR_PWD_EXPIRE_DATE from usr where usr_login='XELSYSADM';

* Login to  Identity console & update the xelsysadm password with exiting password

* Run the query again and check the expiry it will be updated

* Now try login into design console it wont prompt with change password screen.

Thank you.

Arihant Baid

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nexaweb Application Failed to Load

Nexaweb Error message  (You dont have JAVA enabled or installed ,click here for more info)

If you see the above error in the browser in the while clicking on Import, Export , Manage Connecter ..etc from sysadmin console .  Follow the below steps

1) Click on Windows button in your local machine .

2) Go to Control Panel
3) Click on JAVA
4) Click on "Security" tab

 5) Drag the Security Level from High to Medium

 6) Click on Apply  and Ok
7)  Restart the Browser and you should be able to see the screen.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

   OIM Connecter Uninstallation

Connector Uninstallation Steps

1)      Locate to Oracle_IDM1/server/bin 
2)      Update the connecterUninstall.properties with following details
a.       DatabaseURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@arihant.tdc.com:1521:IAMDB/
b.      DBUserName=DEV_OIM
c.       DBType=ORACLE
d.      Location: Place where you want the log files of this process to be.
e.      ConnectorName=ActiveDirectory
f.        Release=

3)  Run ./uninstallConnector.sh from /app/oracle/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin              
a.       Before running the above command set all the below env variables
b.      export DOMAIN_HOME=/app/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain
c.       export WL_HOME=/app/oracle/wlserver_10.3
d.      export ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/Oracle_IDM1
e.      export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/Oracle_IDM1
f.        export JAVA_HOME=/app/java6u31
g.       export MW_HOME=/app/oracle
h.      export APP_SERVER=weblogic


    4) Enter the below inputs
a.       DB Password
b.      OIM Administrator User
c.       OIM Administrator Password
d.      Context Factory

5) Restart the complete Domain